Debris Shelter

Spring, Fall and Summer

For these three seasons a debris shelter can be build that can hold a surprising amount of body heat even in colder weather.

1.First find a long thick branch two feet longer than your body to use as your main support beam.

2.Next you need a Y of some sort to support one end of the main branch. This can be accomplished with a Y in a tree branch, tying the main branch to a tree or by using two other branches to create the Y  shape. Basically you  are creating an elongated tripod structure. 

3.Next lay down about a foot of evergreen boughs for bedding. Getting up off the ground will lead to less loss of body heat and is crucial 

4.Next lean smaller branches against the sides of the main beam to begin creating the walls of your shelter.

5.Now insulation is your goal. Cover the structure with about 3 feet of leaves. Next lay evergreen boughs to keep the leaves in place and further insulate the structure 

6.Now take a look inside. Anywhere you can see light coming through needs to be further covered to keep out water and hold in heat. 

7.Finally fashion a door by pulling more leaves and boughs in with you. Provided you sealed up the holes you should be able to stay warm in the structure.