Trapeze Spring Snare

We've all see the old movies, someone is walking through a forest when there is a crack underfoot. All of a sudden sed person is swinging back and forth upside down as they are surrounded by their trap making captors. This basic idea is called a Trapeze Spring snare. A springy sapling is bent over and connected to a stick at both ends with cord to make a wire hanger shape. The bottom of the "hanger" is wedged into a notched stick stuck firmly into the ground thus holding the tension of the tree. To the hanger shape we attach two slipknots hanging at neck height of the animal you wish to catch. Animal goes for bait, gets slipknot around its neck, struggles to get free, pulls hanger out of knotch, tree bends back to its natural shape... dinner. You will have more luck with this and any other trap if you can force the animal to walk into some sort of natural channel. Be sure not to leave too much scent around as animals are much smarter than you think.